Throughout the process, which began in 1999, I never returned to the burgeoning manuscript without feeling yet again, in my bones, that this was one of the truly great stories to emerge from mid-twentieth century literature. (Yes, I did say literature - because there was an awful lot more to Eric Knight than the little pot-boiler he wrote about a shaggy dog; an awful lot.)
During his twenty years of research, author Greg Christie garnered a Winston Churchill Fellowship, was presented to HRH Queen Elizabeth, lost his wife to illness and went blind. Finally, this epic story of Eric Knight has been published.
I was constantly reminded, too, that this story is important for movie historians (the lad worked in Hollywood, and detested the place), military historians (he worked hand-in-glove with FDR in striving to secure American involvement in World War II) and students of the American Dream - because he lived it, big time.
You will NOT be disappointed.
Alan Wilkinson
Knight: Yorkshireman, Storyteller, Spy is available on Amazon.com in paperback and Kindle edition.

Greg and Elaine Christie
Buckingham Palace